Welcome to Truk bikes

The development of innovative bikes for ease in transportation has been the focal point of our business philosophy since 1975. Every bike is designed with high technical standards and manufactured with outstanding quality to deliver a product that is worthy of its rider. Truly a trendsetter, TRUK regularly innovates and has been setting milestones in frame design and bike components since its establishment.

The ebike, an electric bike featuring absolute top-end technology, complements the TRUK bike family. Our ebike models are carefully designed for perfect handling and effective use of pedal effort to allow our riders to go places without breaking a sweat. The electric motor, pedals, battery capacity and ride comfort are optimally coordinated with each other to work harmoniously and provide you with the best riding experience.

We’re bike people
Every TRUK e-bike is the culmination of 4 decades of product knowledge and development experience. In a market where new brands and manufacturers are popping up like wildflowers, TRUK offers the confidence that comes only with an established track record in the industry.

Wherever you are were there, too
TRUK is a global company that operates locally. We have a worldwide network of certified e-bike retailers and service centers, so you’ll never have to worry about finding a qualified mechanic to answer your questions or service your bike.

We’ll take care of you
TRUK has the best warranty program in the industry. Every TRUK e-bike is backed by a lifetime frame warranty and a two-year battery warranty.

Bosch systems feel great from your first ride and perform reliably for years to come. Plus, they’re backed by generous warranties, easily serviced by our worldwide network of retailers, and developed in partnership with cycling industry leaders, including TRUK.

Hows the ride?
TRUK e-bikes simply amplify your pedaling effort. They pedal like a regular bike, but the wind is always at your back and hills melt away.

Whats the range?
General range is 20-100 miles, based on power mode, terrain, and other riding conditions.

Need to charge?
Simply plug into a standard wall outlet and allow 3-5 hours to charge a depleted battery.

Relentless Progression
The four decades following our inception have witnessed greater innovation than the previous four hundred. Bicycles have not been immune to this explosion in technological advancement, and TRUK has been at the forefront of the movement, continually challenging the limits of the bicycle’s capability. Our commitment to relentless innovation while honoring our founding principles to build bikes people love that we are proud to stand behind has led us to where we are today. But we know that there is so much more that we can do. This world needs the bicycle more today than ever before. And TRUK is building a better world through this simple, elegant machine. Come ride with us.

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